02/07/2024 0 Comments
Dedication of Standard
Dedication of Standard
# it's so much fun and exciting

Dedication of Standard
The dedication of a new standard for the Ranger Guides of 2nd Elm Park (St Nicholas) occurred on Mothering Sunday, 31st March, 2019, at the start of the Parade Service.
This is a very rare occurrence, and no one present had seen this done before. The standard was carried by Ranger Guide Jess Stalabrass with two Guides as escorts Hetty Brown, and Tallulah Brown not related both aged 10 forming the escort. Fr Tom Keighley, Assistant Priest at St Nicholas, Elm Park, pronounced the dedication. The standard was then hung from the altar for the rest of the service. Standards from the Guides, Brownies and Cubs were also carried at the event.
The congregation watched in rapt attention and burst in spontaneous applause when the dedication was presented. The standard will now join the other standards which are hung in St Nicholas Church.
Ranger Guides are a new section for girls aged 14-18 and replaces the Senior Section, this change was effective from the start of the academic year 2019/20. 2nd Elm Park (St. Nicholas) Senior Section but now referred to as Rangers, was formally registered as a unit September 2014, and their activities include various crafts, cooking, badges, weekends away, and badges to mark new skill acquisition.
Mrs Margaret Roberts (Kestrel) the Guide Leader, Julie Mugglestone (Hawk), Stella Rawlings (Falcon) said that they had waited a long time for this event and were thrilled to see the new standard. The Leaders are all named after birds of prey.
Photographs by Fern Denyer (Brownie Assistant Leader) see below.
For further comment please contact
Mrs Margaret Roberts 0790 069 4920
